Example: Exchange servers

General statistics · Time series

A stacked graph showing the number of IPv4 & IPv6 addresses detected responding each day over the past week, globally, tagged as CVE-2023-36439.

General statistics · Visualization · Table

A table showing the number of IPv4 & IPv6 addresses detected responding each day over the past DAY, globally, tagged as CVE-2023-36439.

General statistics · Tree map

A tree map showing the number of IPv4 & IPv6 addresses detected on a set date, tagged as CVE-2023-36439, with the number per country represented proportionally.

Clicking on a country segment gives a breakdown of sources plus general statistics sourced from the CIA world factbook.

Example: Exposed CWMP devices

General statistics · Time series

A timeline showing 2 years’ worth of historic data (the maximum span in public dashboard) - in this case for Saudi Arabia demonstrating the number of exposed CWMP device IP addresses detected each day.

Note: This graph shows a vast improvement in terms of CWMP exposure at the end of January 2023

Example: MISP instances

IoT device statistics · Visualization · Bar chart

A number of devices and software solutions can be fingerprinted during scanning. This graph shows (on a logarithmic scale) the number of IP addresses detected each day on average, over the past month, with MISP instances running.

Example: Exploited vulnerabilities

Attack statistics: Vulnerabilities · Monitoring

The top 100 detected attempted exploitable vulnerabilities (out of those Shadowserver monitors in our honeypots), initially sorted by number of unique attacking IP’s over the past day.

Clicking the Map option allows the user to swap between “Source” and “Destination” Host Types (i.e. attacking IP geolocation Vs honeypot IP geolocation).

Note: An attacking geolocation may or may not accurately represent the location of the attacker themselves.

Example: Interpreting events

Using the dashboard to help interpret events: Anomalous increase in exposed CWMP devices (believed Huawei home routers) in Egypt, followed by Mirai attacks originating from the same country.

Note: Shadowserver worked with Egyptian nCSIRT to notify & remediate.

IoT device statistics · Time series

Observation of increase in volume of exposed IoT devices announced on Egyptian infrastructure on/around 2023-01-05.


IoT device statistics · Tree map by vendor

Stepping backwards and forwards through dates shows devices likely to be newly visible Huawei devices from 2023-01-05.


General statistics · Time series

Associated spike in exposed CWMP detections from scanning matching the 2023-01-05 spike.


Shadowserver honeypot sensors identified suspected Egyptian compromised devices launching Mirai and brute force attacks.


And corresponding Telnet Brute Force attacks emanating from Egyptian compromised devices.


Using multiple sources and selecting Tag and Overlapping options allows for the observations to be rendered on the same graph.


Example: Special reports

Occasionally Shadowserver releases one-off special reports. We announce the data on X/Twitter and on our website - but after the event you might want to know the relevant dates. A way to find the dates is to use the Time Series chart looking for Special Report dates - and then you can transfer those dates into other representations better suited to single day statistics (such as maps or tree maps). Special reports have source set to special on the dashboard.

Searching for Special Reports on a Time Series chart:


Tree map for an example Special Report found on 2024-01-29:

For a list of Special reports please review the list of reports on our main website. Special reports will have “Special” in their name.

Example: Time-series charts

Toggling high contrast

Output Time Series charts by default come with a light grey colour for the axis lines. By choosing “Toggle High Contrast” it is possible to make the axis lines black - which may be easier for reproduction in reports.

Toggling visibility

When multiple data series are presented in a Time Series chart - each data series will be named underneath. By selecting “Toggle Visibility”, it is possible to unselect all data series from the view.
Then you can click on just the items you wish to display by name beneath the chart. The scale will automatically adjust to accommodate the data series/combinations you choose.

Toggling stacking

When multiple data series are presented in a Time Series chart there are TWO ways to view overlapping data (as opposed to stacked datasets). The first is to use the “overlapping” toggle button on the left hand side of the screen. This will produce charts with clean lines for each dataset.
Alternatively, use the hamburger selector’s “Toggle Stacking” option to produce charts with each dataset having its own colour fill. Depending on your data, different approaches may produce clearer results.

Development of the Shadowserver Dashboard was funded by the UK FCDO. IoT device fingerprinting statistics and honeypot attack statistics co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union (EU CEF VARIoT project).

We would like to thank all our partners that kindly contribute towards data used in the Shadowserver Dashboard, including (alphabetically) APNIC Community Feeds, Bitsight, CISPA, if-is.net, Kryptos Logic, SecurityScorecard, Yokohama National University and all those who chose to remain anonymous.

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